내맘대로 조편성

by 리얼시스템



1. Administrator registration: Register and use an administrator by entering a phone number and password.2. You can save the meeting you manage, and you can also save and manage the member information belonging to the meeting. There is also a multi-member registration function, so you can register a large number of members at once. There is also a function to share member information.3. In addition to the random (random) method for group formation, you can select gender, past grouping history, and score reflection method.4. When forming a group, you can select members without group formation, and you can also select members who should not be together in the same group.5. It is possible to easily modify the result of the grouping by dragging.6. You can check the past grouped history and modify the members score.7. You can automatically copy and paste the contents of the group structure to the clipboard so that you can share it on social media.